Monday, August 22, 2005

The Marlene Kess Letters: Part 1 and 2

Hi All,

I wrote these two letters before I was flagged off of Craigs List. I'm reposting them here where there is still freedom of speech!

Marlene Kess’ Cats: Dead Or Alive

Who are you people? For Marlene, or against Marlene? Why don’t you sign your names?

I am Claire Favretto, the only civilian witness that the dudes out there in New Jersey have. The last time I was in the East Orange Municipal Court Bldg to testify on July 20th made me so sick that it led me to run away and explode- and to try to do something for those cats’ sake, and not wait any longer for people to don’t do anything!

I could see that the American system again is not working. People who love animals in this country are still a part of the problem- No one appeared to me who seemed to be a part of the solution (well, that could be because I live in New York City…). This last Wednesday I had no choice but to run away from the court- I could not bear the pain any more to hear testimony- I had to get home to my catss! …and to find a way to help those who came around Marlene, the dead ones who I think want justice, and the alive ones who need help now, as they are very locked.

I call those cats THE FORGOTTEN, the animals that people dump on rescuers, and who get locked in cages, in carriers, in basements, in rooms, in apartments where no on can see them, help them, hold them, and are sentenced into the hand of some sick person who dares to pretend that they are an animal lover… when behind a door that no one can enter, hundreds of them are locked and packed on the top of each other waiting for their death to be the only escape from a world of sick robots pretending to be human beings…

No one is there for those animals, and I could see how much the dudes in power did not do anything either to help the 48 cats still with Marlene Kess. She says to her “cat-people” kingdom that there were only 16 dead cats in those bags. She also pretended that she was only in court because of my testimony! I wish I had so much power to help those animals! Then I would be testifying every day, and bringing those who commit animal cruelty to court every day. The thing is that she has serious officers against her who opened every bag when they went there May 19th- And the News was nice! They gave the lowest estimate, 200, when it could have been 300 dead bodies or mare in those bags (you can call Sgt Joe Beirmann of the ASPCA if you need to verify…).

Sorry for you who dump your cats at Kitty Kind or elsewhere and wonder now what happened to your dear animal! Well I am telling you, your pet is probably in a garbage bag somewhere. It is very unlikely that he or she would find a good home, as there are not enough good homes for this overpopulation of animals. Or, your pet was adopted by someone exactly like you, who keep them and love them for a while and then get rid of them. Is your animal in a blue bag for recycling, or a black bag for waste? I guess we should all decide a special color bag for THE FORGOTTEN, as there are so many of them…

No one seems to have any respect for the spirit, soul and desire that these animals have.
They are trapped, adopted out, dumped again, adopted again, dumped in cages…and often left to die there- No one ever seems to wonder what is done to their spirit! And no one seems to realize that maybe they would prefer to run free outside instead of being locked in a small cage to die, never feeling the air, the sun, the rain, the grass…Why are so many animals in jail when they have done nothing wrong?

Many of you are punished today for getting rid of your animal yesterday…you are sleeping in your “superpower” illusion, so fearful of everything that you neglect the animal misery…and today some of you are punished…maybe now you wonder where is your pet?

Back to my court thing… Wedsneday did it for me. Besides that I feel day and night that all the dead cats try to communicate with me, I also saw pictures of Marlene’s 48 supposedly alive cats. Knowing that she left them locked in a room, I was horrified, but I found myself in a “twilight zone” when I saw some pictures of that room, and I realized that the cats were not only locked in a room, but also locked in cages and carriers.

Who could do such a thing? Oh boy, I am so disgusted by this story- I am revolted, angry, and I feel so helpless to do anything…I invite anyone who is concerned to put pressure on the authorities (ASPCA, Humane Society NJ). We have to help get those cats unlocked NOW! They have to be adopted through the TV news stations- I know some people will want to rescue them from that hell- those cats deserve some love and peace now- even sick, they must be saved from this misery-

Please, all of you guys, do something for them, anyway you can! This story has haunted me, tormented me day and night- I cannot contain myself anymore and be a nice quiet witness… I feel I need to do something to help THE FORGOTTEN…

Sgt Joe Biermann
917-337-4901 ph
908-226-8902 fax

NJ Humane Society

East Orange Municipal Court
(Derrick Griffin, Prosecutor)


Claire Favretto

Marlene Kess: One Million Dollars to Kill One Million Cats
(sequel to Marlene Kess’ Cats: Dead or Alive)

Two weeks after May 19th, after (GOD BLESS!) all the officer went to Marlene Kess’ place to discover the hundreds of dead cats dumped in her yard, Marlene Kess was supposed to get a one million dollar grant from the Mayor’s Alliance (who support Marlene). The Mayor’s Alliance itself got grants from Maddie’s fund in San Fransisco, run by Richard Avanzeno (510-337-8989). I was told they were giving grants only to serious groups…I misunderstood…they seem to give grants to serious killers. It’s a shame to see someone in charge of so much grant money (we’re talking hundreds of millions of dollars here!) not able to see the difference between a true loving animal worker and a hoarder. Millions of dollars supposed to stop animal suffering is going to make it worse! Big money came to New York through the Mayor’s Alliance at first to make a good difference for the homeless pets. It made a difference alright! It all made it worse for them! And many went to die, locked away from the world and thrown in the garbage, and many were adopted in not so good homes, probably dumped again, discarded and mistreated and dumped again in shelters, and dumped again and again and again. Rescuers have been encouraged to grab more cats from the streets and give them to organizations that make 150 bucks every time they place a pet (Mayor’s Alliance Rules). The biggest sucking group of strays is KittyKind (of course). Groups and organizations have been encouraged to get more pets from the C.A.C.C… BUT NO REAL GOOD HOME HAS BEEN ENCOURAGED TO ADOPT MORE PETS…SO WHERE ARE ALL THOSE ANIMALS GOING? All those animals sucked into an imbalanced system run by fearful, paranoid, “big bosses” surrounded by running machines and “click click” and “zip zip” and “zap zap”. I am against euthanizing, but I trully believe it’s unfair and CRUEL to lock them in a forgotten place where they disappear so much from the world that noone can see them, save them, free them…and pretend it is to save their lives when in reality they go through a slow death, spending weeks or months in agony, their fate in the hands of some “serial killers” disguised as animal lovers- instead of having a quick transition and joining the angel kingdom where they belong, and leave this planet full of demons… Big Money behind Big Hoarder, Big Grants behind Big Holocaust: that is the way it will go if Marlene Kess walks free from the court. The Mayor’s Alliance is still behind her, waiting to throw one million dollars at her. It didn’t ring their bell yet that “cat care” became “careless for cats”, and they are ready to support more suffering, more agony, more long and endless days locked away from nature…they are ready to throw more cats in the garbage…thanks to the mayor for all his good work! If Marlene Kess walks free, they should buy her a big land to bury all the cats she will kill… MILLIONS OF DOLLARS SHOULD HAVE BEEN USED TO PUT SPAY AND NEUTER TRUCKSSS ALL OVER THE CITY DOING SURGERIES FROM MORNING TO LATE EVENING! IT IS THE ONLY WAY ANIMAL SUFFERING COULD BE STOPPED. And millions of dollars seems to have prevented some sick egos to understand that! They prefer to give $150 to rescuers per pet adopted because they think it will make a difference for the animal welfare! I don’t understand that logic! It’s such a shame to see that 200 million dollars will be wasted and there will be no lasting change to avoid this overpopulation of homeless animals. THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH GOOD HOMES FOR ALL OF THEM- NOT ENOUGH GOOD HOMES… Everyone seems to be quiet about that mess. Am I the only one from my ghetto spot who realizes that they have feeling and emotions and that we should have complete respect for their spirit and what they want? All those animals need help and support now. They need your voice! I know some of you out there are tuned in to the animal kingdom and want them to be treated with respect, and defintitely not locked away in rooms and cages to die there with no one and no care. I invite anyone who wants to be a voice for them to sign the petition “Voice for the Animals”. Here is the link: I want to bring a change in the way the animals are treated, but they need your voice. Please join and invite your friends and family to be a voice for them! Millions of dollars may have been wasted, but our millions of voices can bring a real change for the millions of animals crying.

Claire Favretto


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